Sales Partners
Approved sellers
Distributed in France and in Europe, Robin Aircraft sales Partners have all our confidence in presenting you our aircraft’s range.

“My passion for aviation first began as a little boy flying radio controlled model aeroplanes. At about 16, I started flying gliders, and soon took on single engine aircraft.
Flying is my passion, and since man can’t fly on his own, this passion is all about aeroplanes.
My homebase is at EDMB Airflied, south Germany, very close to Austria, Switzerland and Italy.”
Claus Growner, CG Aviation

Our partner XFLY is led by Gerald Ducoin who knows our aircrafts like his pockets for he has been a test pilot at Robin Aircraft for many years.
He sells them for the same reason he flies them: because he loves them.

Mistral Aviation is the only official Robin Aircraft sales partner in the UK and Ireland.
Mistal Aviation is above all a very lovable couple: Steve and Jennie, two inseparable Robin-addicted polyglots.

Our long-time partner Bollinger covers both Germany and Austria for Robin Aircraft.